
Haziran, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


    The first information about the humanity dates back thousands of years from now. Although there are various diversions about this issue, it is commonly believed that humanity has shown up in Africa first 100 thousand years ago, and then reached Arabian Peninsula by crossing the Red Sea. From there humanity spread to the whole world. Human communities which genetically altered by the influence of different geographies, climatic conditions, sunray angles, radio activities in the soil, have lived in differe nt locations as divergent ethnic groups for a long time and formed their own lifestyle and cultures. These dissimilarities have been seen everywhere in human life: in skin colour, clothing, culture, traditional usage and custom, spoken language, science, architecture... the main reason why different cultures have lots of distinctive architectural language lies behind extend of differentiation that human being has passed from the first day to today. If we compare the hous...